Monitoring your server with netdata

People including me love netdata

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to install netdata on your linux server.

Installing netdata is quite easy. To get started login into SSH and run the following command:

bash <(curl -Ss

you might have to press enter or “y” a couple times but when you are done it should show:

 --- We are done! ---

  |.-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .  netdata                          .-.   .-
  |   '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'   is installed and running now!  -'   '-'

it might also ask you to enable KSM (memory improvements). To do that run

    echo 1 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run
    echo 1000 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs

And then visit your monitoring panel at http://yourserverip:19999.

That was it! Easy huh? In a coming tutorial I will show you how to have netdata notify you about issues on discord or slack.

Adding a new disk to LVM

Hi, in this tutorial i will be showing you how to add a new disk to your (solusvm) LVM pool.
First, run


This will show the disks that Linux has found. If this does not contain your newly added disk make sure that it is connected correctly and added to the RAID configuration. For this tutorial, we will be using /dev/sdb1 as an example but this will differ per system, make sure that this is the new disk. We recommend using SSD or SAS drive if you are going to run a lot of VMs.

To turn the disk into a format that LVM can understand run

pvcreate /dev/sdb1

This might prompt if you want to remove the ext4 signature. If it does click “yes”. To add this disk to your LVM run:

vgextend openvz /dev/sdb1
lvextend /dev/openvz/vz /dev/sdb1

This will first add your disk to the new volume group and then to the actual logical volume. The space is already added but to make sure that it shows up correctly in your filesystem:

resize2fs /dev/openvz/vz

And voilá, your new disk is now added to your LVM pool and ready to be used.

If you have a dedicated server or colocation with Ferox Hosting you can also always ask our support and they will do this setup for you.

TIP: to create a thin pool, run

lvcreate -L 15G --thinpool thinpool vg0

TIP: Thin provisioning required thin-provisioning-tools